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WATCH: Health and safety training for employees, job seekers to be available online

Ford says this is the first time the province has offered this type of training online


Premier Doug Ford announced today that his government will be spending $3 million on free online health and safety training for the first time.

In a press conference today, Ford said that the courses are meant to help job seekers and workers to get essential qualifications while practicing social distancing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

There are ten courses which include the following topics:

  • Infection control
  • Conducting health and safety investigations
  • Ladder safety
  • Slips, trips and falls prevention
  • Preventing workplace violence and harassment

Job seekers should contact an Employment Ontario service provider in their area to enroll.

The Ontario government also noted that today the Canadian Armed Forces are officially completing missions in Ontario's long-term care homes and thanked the for their service.

Original story:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is slated to provide a COVID-19 update at 1:00 p.m. today.

As of today, all regions with the exception of two agri-farm areas in Windsor-Essex have moved on to Stage 2 of the province’s reopening plan.

Premier Doug Ford will be joined by Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development, to make the announcement.

Village Media will carry the livestream, so stay tuned.